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Atef Arfaoui

Software / Data Engineer - 5+ years Python/API developer; Django, Flask, FastAPI... Pipeline engineering with Airflow/Luigi/AWS...

Mock in Pytest

When I first started writing unit tests in my early career, I thought it’s boring task and tried to avoid them. I think unit tests should never be ignored and it’s better to start writiing them before it’s too late :) Once you get used to them and use the right tools it will be really enjoyable task.

One of the struggles to write unit tests is mocking functions; changing the behavior of external calls, dependencies, database connections, etc. So, I decided to write a blog series about unit testing and start with mocking functions.

Let’s start with a simple example: A script that interacts with AWS S3 - It checks if there are dev buckets (dev buckets start with “dev-“)

Files structure

├── tests
│   ├──
│   └──
└── utils

from utils.s3_utils import list_s3_buckets

def check_dev_buckets() -> bool:
    Checks if the dev buckets exist 
    buckets = list_s3_buckets()
    for bucket in buckets:
        if bucket.startswith('dev-'):
            return True
    return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if check_dev_buckets():
        print('Dev buckets exist')
        print('No dev buckets found')

from boto3 import client

S3_CLIENT = client('s3')

def list_s3_buckets():
    Lists all S3 buckets
    response = S3_CLIENT.list_buckets()
    buckets = [bucket['Name'] for bucket in response['Buckets']]
    return buckets

import mock
from main import check_dev_buckets

def test_check_dev_buckets():
    with mock.patch('main.list_s3_buckets') as mock_list_s3_buckets:
        mock_list_s3_buckets.return_value = ['dev-bucket-1', 'dev-bucket-2']
        assert check_dev_buckets() 

⚠️ Note

in mock.patch() you need to pass the function where it’s imported (used) not wehre it’s defined. it should be main.list_s3_buckets and not utils.s3_utils.list_s3_buckets