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Atef Arfaoui

Software / Data Engineer - 5+ years Python/API developer; Django, Flask, FastAPI... Pipeline engineering with Airflow/Luigi/AWS...

  1. Mock in Pytest

    When I first started writing unit tests in my early career, I thought it’s boring task and tried to avoid them. I think unit tests should never be ignored and it’s better to start writiing them before it’s too late :) Once you get used to them and use the right tools it will be really enjoyable task. …

  2. Bloom filters for Humans

    My first encounter with Bloom Filter was in 2018. We were preparing for GDPR migration. So, our team manager suggested that we could use this data structure to anonymize personal data (PII) stored in our servers. To fully understand what’s a Bloom Filter, I decided to write it from scratch. So what is a Bloom filter in first place? …